Mikey Erg
Mikey Erg has played on A LOT of records. He has also toured extensively for the better part of two decades in literally countless bands. It’s possible that not even Mikey himself could come close to listing them all. To start with, there is of course the band from which he gets his namesake: The Ergs, New Brunswick, NJ basements’ favorite sons, in which Mikey played drums, sang and was principle songwriter. Additionally, Mikey has played in, toured with and performed on records with Dirt Bike Annie, The Unlovables, The Dopamines, Star Fucking Hipsters, House Boat, Worriers, and even sat in with Weston at their recent reunion shows. Comedian and fellow Don Giovanni Records alum Chris Gethard pegged Mikey to play drums in the house band for his weirdo, fringe late night TV show, The Chris Gethard Show. Since the disbanding of the Ergs, Mikey has fostered a solo project that has kept him super busy performing Billy Bragg-style – just a mic and an electric guitar – all over the world.