Kym Register + Meltdown Rodeo "Meltdown Rodeo" out August 18

We're thrilled to announce a new album from Kym Register + Meltdown Rodeo titled Meltdown Rodeo out August 18.

Kym Register + Meltdown Rodeo (formerly Loamlands) is a transgressive and distorted country music outfit based in North Carolina that places queer storytelling at the forefront. Their music intimately grapples with identity, retribution, reconciliation and queer existence in both modern-day and historical (inclusive of mostly all) southern culture.

The album features the song "Blue," a gutsy call-out that challenges the conditions that still allows Joni Mitchell amnesty, even after she traded her counterculture folk for jive turkey racism.

As Kym Register explains:

Blue is sort of a love song about misconception / desire / disappointment and loss driven by some seriously upsetting revelations during the time of falling - for a Joni Mitchell record. I hadn’t listened to Joni much in my life but had been gently pushed by friends to explore her record, Blue. As I did, I fell in love with the way she plays with vocal timing, her story telling and her meandering guitar - everything music and poignant and magical about her music. I started researching her life and music because I was so excited to delve into her process and her catalog - trying to learn from folks that immersed themselves in music who’ve made an impact on so many mentors of mine.

That’s when I learned about the Blackface character she often portrayed at parties and on stage and on the cover of a few albums she made. It was like uncovering dark secrets from a lovers past. The more I researched Joni, the more arrogant and unreflective I found her to be. I started feeling it in my body like I’d been deceived by friends and by everyone who recommended her. So - I started having conversations with folks so we could be In discussion about the impact of Whiteness and unaccountability - especially when it comes to our relationships people that are in such close proximity with fame or success.

I became so concerned about the way folks seem to be ok with letting elders stay unaccountable / get away with harm because of their age or because it feels so uncomfortable to discuss Whiteness. There’s always a chance for accountability - It is so extremely problematic that people keep supporting her as she continues to deny any wrongdoing for the appropriation and exploitation of Blackness in her work. While Joni is alive she should be honest with herself and everyone else about the blatant racism she embodies intertwined with her art and work.

This isn’t to shame her but to call her in - bc accountability is healing not just for us individually but for our collective communities. Older folks do not get a pass - famous folks do not get a pass - we do not get a pass.

Meltdown Rodeo will be released on August 18, 2023.