The Sad Tomorrows

The Sad Tomorrows "The Sad Tomorrows" Cassette

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The Sad Tomorrows is a new band featuring a bunch of New Jersey veterans (some might say royalty!) from groups like the Ergs!, Night Birds, Black Wine, and Hunchback. While relying on the elegant melodies and top-notch songcraft that characterizes the members’ other projects, the Sad Tomorrows recall an earlier era of alternative music, before melodic punk bifurcated and calcified into indie rock and pop-punk. Their snappy, energetic, and open-hearted songs bring to mind 80s bands like the Lemonheads, Big Drill Car, Sebadoh, indie-era Goo Goo Dolls and Soul Asylum… artists that bridged the gap between Hüsker Dü’s angsty post-hardcore pop and the more polished and anthemic music of the 90s alternative rock boom. If that boom were still happening, the suits would be lined up outside the Sad Tomorrows’ door, because tracks like “Forget It For Me Retail” and “Unsustainable Practices” sound like they could have slid into MTV’s Buzz Bin… you know, if they’d come out 30 years ago. While I’m sure the Sad Tomorrows would have appreciated the financial spoils of stardom, the underground feels like a more appropriate home for these four intimate, homespun slices of punk-pop bliss.

1. Long Vibration
2. Won't Upset You
3. Forget It For Me Retail
4. Unstable Practices

Jeff Schroeck - Guitar, Vocals
Mike Hunchback - Guitar, Vocals
J Nixon - Bass, Vocals
Brian Gorsegner - Drums

Recorded Nov ‘21 by Chris Pierce
Mastered Dec ‘21 by Stephen Egerton

Artwork by Jason Noto

Release date: January 28, 2022

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