Mal Blum

Mal Blum "You Look A Lot Like Me" CD

Regular price $12.99

When I wrote all the songs on the album I was so depressed at that time that I didn’t have a concept that I was writing songs. I knew I was writing songs but I thought none of them were any good so none of them counted. But when I started feeling better everything started to come into place: Don Giovanni wanted me to put out the album, they put me in touch with Marissa to produce it.

Marissa Paternoster (Screaming Females) helped Mal Blum curate the album and also lent a hand playing second guitar and performing backup vocals.

In many ways, the album is a mental health record, written when Mal was at a low point, and re-worked and polished at a high one. It turned out to be essential in helping get out of a dark period of depression – and Mal Blum hopes others will connect with these songs on a similar, personal level.

1. Archive
2. Better Go!
3. Robert Frost
4. Cool Party
5. Split, Splitting
6. Reality TV
7. Iowa
8. Better Than I Was
9. New Orleans
10. The Shrink Thinks

Engineered by Danielle Depalma
Mixed by Kyle Gilbride
Produced by Marissa Paternoster

Audrey Zee Whitesides - Bass
Steph Barker - Drums
Mal Blum - Guitar, Vocals
Marissa Paternoster - Guitar, Vocals
Alex Clute - Vocals on Iowa & New Orleans

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