Teenage Halloween

Teenage Halloween "Teenage Halloween" 12"

Regular price $23.99

Often pinned as a band that has a lot going on,” Teenage Halloween has crafted a sound rooted in abundance. Luke Henderik’s rare and universal lyrics, and the precise ear of engineer Evan Bernard, this newest collection of songs is full of surprises that humbly aims to redefine the modern DIY punk scene.

Predominantly a queer identifying band, the songs reflect this experience holistically with lyrics that grapple with vulnerability, community, extreme existentialism, mental illness, and gender euphoria. Accompanied by the band’s explosive energy, each song functions as a politically charged anthem.The album maintains constant energy, and that energy also celebrates the bravery of being a queer band. Further, the songs speak in narratives, making sure people are held accountable for their actions and in the same vein, given the opportunity to communicate that self-reflection.

The self-titled debut album Teenage Halloween was recorded by Bernard in Big Mama’s Recording Studio and will be released by Don Giovanni Records in September.

1. Stationary
2. Holes
3. Drown
4. SMH City
5. Sweat
6. Clarity
7. Summer Money
8. Racehorse
9. Figwit
10. Turn Right, Goes Straight

Luke Henderiks - guitar / vocals / lyrics / composition
Eli Frank - lead guitar / composition / production
Tricia Marshall- bass / vocals / keys
Brandon Hakim - saxophone
Peter Gargano- drums
Jane Lai - piano
Evan Bernard- tambourine / guitar

recorded and mixed by Evan Bernard at Big Mama's Recording in Philadelphia PA
mastered by Ryan Schwabe in Philadelphia PA
album cover by Jordan Hudkins (Rozwell Kid)
album layout by Ilana Hope Art

all songs composed and written by Teenage Halloween

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